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Date Night Style For Guys

It's that time again, Where Cupid is about to strike his arrows of love and time for us Gentlemen to wine and dine your lover or perhaps its a first date.

So you have got the roses on order, the table at that restaurant they have mentioned a thousand times has been booked, for an evening of two star crossed lovers losing each other in longing gazes and notions of love and romance. But, alas there is still one detail still missing for the perfect Valentines Date night. The OUTFIT. I hear you fella's. And like cupid, I'm here to help. So hang up your favorite pair of skinny denims and faded black t-shirts.

Let me show you this season's must haves that will leave your date a little bit more than impressed. A well turned out guy shows more than just knowing how to dress, it shows you have put in some considerate thought and attention and this goes along way to wooing the affections of your date, because trust me your date has also done the same, so even if it goes nowhere at least you have dined in style.

So you're wondering what the hell to wear, if not jeans and a t shirt. Fellas grab your coat, you've pulled. Hop on down to the high street, internet shop if you want but you need to make sure the outfit looks just right so dont be afraid of using the fitting rooms, thats what they are there for.

Ok, time to get serious. This season is all about being sexy and sophisticated. Think along the lines of George Clooney (if you don't know him - google him), What that man doesn't lack is style and sophistication. 

Now this season we should be embracing the latest slim fitting chinos. Moss Bros do some spectacular ones. Slim fit and opt for neutral tones, Navy, Black and Tan are always my go to. They will look perfect on every body shape and don't be afraid of pleated chinos either to add a bit of style to your outfit. The ones im loving is The Slim Fit Navy Stretch chinos and the price wont break the bank. They come in at £59.95 or perhaps you want a more tailored look so opt for the tailored Fit either in Navy or black. 

Thats the slacks sorted, time for the shirt, yes gents a shirt. It's a date right? So you want to look debonair and stylish. trust me a sexy slim fit shirt in either white, black, navy, hell its valentines day so don't be afraid of pink too. Moss offer a great range of slim fit ready to wear shirts( prices from £34.95) that will make you look like you know how to dress and ready to rock your date.

I like to style my shirt with the buttons undone slightly, 2 is plenty anymore and you may start to look like an extra from Saturday Night Fever. Sleeves rolled up a bit. Show off you watch and it will also give you an air of confidence. always tucked into the pants and for the love of God, Gentleman iron that fresh new shirt, this will also show your date that you are domesticated as well as the king of style.

So there you have it, the perfect date night outfit. Yes its not all about style but its a great place to start, now go get em tiger.

By Craig Whitehead

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